Monday, January 13, 2020

The striking similarity between Laser Transverse Electromagnetic modes and Hydrogen atomic orbital probability

These charts are remarkably similar, but represent different types of particles.

Laser Transverse Modes
Laser Transverse Electromagnetic (TEM) modes
Atomic orbitals of the electron in an atom of hydrogen
Atomic orbitals of the electron in an atom of hydrogen

The orbital graph is based on the probability that an electron exists in the space around the hydrogen nucleus.  The laser transverse electromagnetic modes are formed in a waveguide.  Both graphics are 2D representations / cross sections of a 3D shape.

  The similarity makes me think that the electrons are waves in a waveguide.  Something that makes the atom the waveguide. 

  Note that TEM00, and TEM34 don't have a corresponding shape in the hydrogen probability graph.

- As we build quantum computers, are we just building complex Bose Einstein condensate interferometers?
? Is shore's algorithm computational Fourier transform interferometery in band limited waveguided 3D?

-- Edit 20200129 - acoustic standing waves where the cymbal is the waveguide:
The subpixel resolution of optical-flow-based modal analysis:

The wave modes are similar to TEM and electron probability above images.

-- Edit 20200718 - Quantum theory goes on and on about electrons acting like standing waves around a nucleus.

-- edit 20200919 - 3d modeling software - used for modeling nebulae 
see figure 12 in this pdf:

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