Sunday, December 29, 2019

Getting camera pose data from the Intel RealSense T265 in LabView using the .NET wrapper

The c++ dll uses a class called pipline to manage the streaming data from the RealSense T265.  After struggling with the instantiation of the c++ class, I decided to to use the c# wrapper.
LabView isn't perfect at handling .NET dll's, but the .NET wrapper of the realsense2.dll works.

First off, you have to create two constructor nodes.  They instantiate the classes pipeline and config.  Pipeline controls the stream of data, and config defines the type of data stream.  When connecting to the T265, the stream type in a 6 Degree Of Freedom (6DOF).

Once created, a while loop needs to execute to read the pose data frames.  The frames contain the camera's translation and rotation/orientation quaternion relative to the location and rotation when the pipeline was started.  Every time the pipeline starts the translation is reset back to 0,0,0 (x,y,z), and the quaternion is 1,0,0,0 (w,x,y,z or  w+xi+yj+zk ).

Inside the loop, the pipeline method WaitForFrames returns a FrameSet from the frame queue.
The frameSet contains the PoseFrame property.
The PoseFrame contains a PoseData property.
The PoseData contains the Translation, Rotation properties, as well as others.
Inside the while loop the pose frame and frameSet must be disposed.  If not, the frame queue will be full in only 16 frames.   

Block diagram of  realsense .net wrapper as used with the T265.

Front panel

The core c++ code that is called by the .net wrapper is below:

edit 20200302
Look at this post for more info on using the quaternions:

Thursday, December 5, 2019

A thought: Photons come from the nucleus not the electron shells.

For decades I've understood the source of a photon to be an electron dropping an orbit.
Just google " where do photons come from? "

There's a nice picture that shows an electron dropping one orbital shell, and a photon being emitted.

This is the typical understanding:
    A photon is produced whenever an electron in a higher-than-normal orbit falls back to its normal orbit. During the fall from high energy to normal energy, the electron emits a photon -- a packet of energy -- with very specific characteristics.

This explanation implies that the electrons are creating the photon.

When a photon is destroyed the electron moves up to an excited orbital shell.  That sounds like the photon's energy is absorbed by the electron.

However... electrons can "float freely" in a conductive material, or better yet in a stream like inside a CRT (Cathode Ray Tube).  You can't see them.  And more importantly, you can't shine light (photon) through the stream and have the electrons absorb the photons. The magnetic field created by the flow of electrons will also not alter the photons.

So electrons by themselves don't "absorb" the photon.  It takes an atom, a nucleus with electrons in orbit to eliminate a photon.  It makes more sense to me that the photon's energy is "absorbed" by the nucleus.  This extra energy "pushes" the electron away from the nucleus.

It's the nucleus that interacts with the photon, and the electron shell hopping is a byproduct.

What are the ramifications of this thought?

Semiconductors:  All diodes are Light Emitting Diodes.  The P-N junction emits photons.  The "Holes" in the P-channel are covalently bonded molecules that have space for electrons.  Pushing electrons through the junction allows them to fill valance shells.  The electrons will leave the valence shell of the N-channel.  ? Does the N-channel material give off a photon? Does the P-Channel receive a photon to allow the electron to exist in its valance shell?  Is the nucleus able to absorb photon even if it has no electrons?  I need to ponder this...

Wavelength: The wavelength of a photon is defined by the atom that emits it.  The wavelength is defined by the energy lost by the atom, allowing the electron to drop one or more shells.  The more shells dropped the more energy was emitted as a photon.  The wavelength is smaller as more energy is given off.  That is, an electron of a hydrogen atom dropping from shell 3 to shell 2 emits a 656 nm photon, but an electron dropping from shell 5 to shell 2 emits a 434 nm photon.  Note it isn't the electron just moving through space creating the wavelength. (If it were, a photon would be created by current flow directly.)  It is linked to the type of atom.
Each atom has its own emission spectra.

Cool poster, check out the source:

Transparency:  Is it the energy state of a nucleus that determines if a material is transparent?

 Charge:  Can this be tested; Does a nucleus charge change after a photon is emitted or absorbed?

-- update 20191224
This Physics Video By Eugene Khutoryansky shows the difference between electrons and photons in terms of the phase velocities.   Electrons are a sum of waves.  The shorter wave length parts of the sum have a faster phase velocity.  Photons are also the result of a sum of waves, but all of the phase velocities are the same.  Is this another part of the answer for how electrons and photons interact?  In some way the energy of the photon just stops contributing to the sum of waves that defines the electron.  But this still requires the nucleus for the interaction.  Maybe the nucleus performs a phase lock loop (PLL) action on the waves to cause a photon to come into existence.

-- update 20200108
What if every electron in the universe was all the same exact particle?  The linked article talks about how every electron is identical and indistinguishable.  It goes on to describe and debunk the "One Electron Universe".  I'm not advocating that there is only one electron in the universe, but I would like to explore the idea of positrons inside protons.  Maybe this is a mechanism for altering phase velocity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Windows drive activity LED using NeoPixels

So my coworker Charlie had a million dollar idea;

Charlie - "What if there was a light that would turn on when your drives are accessed?!"
me - "Like on a floppy, or a CD drive, or the HDD LED on a tower case? 'cause those exist."
Charlie - "Yeah, but what if you have more than one hard drive?  You can't tell which drive is being accessed."
me - ..... [speechless because this never occurred to me.]

Charlie went on to describe a youtube video by Barnacules Nerdgasm in which he mines the WBEMTest for disk BytesPerSec.  Barnacules even writes a task tray program that blinks an icon when there is drive activity.

So anyway, the Barnacules source code is available;
Download HDDLED Source Code @

But it still has a single indicator for multiple drives.
This is where the NeoPixel comes in.  It is an addressable RGB LED from Adafruit.

By editing the Barnacules code each LED can flash in sync with each drive.  My edit of his code is linked below.

Still one more missing piece, an Arduino to control the NeoPixels.  While Adafruit has some good options (like the feather and the itsy bitsy, I have some even smaller 32u4 based arduino clones.
 On ebay search for 32u4 beetle. 
This little gut just plugs right into a usb port.  There are 3 connections from the beetle to the neopixels, 5V to 5V, Gnd to Gnd, and beetle A2 connects to the neopixel Data In.

Right click on the icon to open the window.  Select the com port of the Beetle. close the window to make it go back to the tray.

The arduino IDE serial monitor (115200) can be used to control the LEDs directly.
I created a simple protocol that will change the RGB values, save the current setting to the eeprom, and load a setting from the eeprom.

type ? and hit enter to get the command list.

Bonus fact:
The 16 LED neopixel ring fits perfectly inside of a 25.5 to 46 mm step up filter adapter.  I use this combination as a cheap RGB ring light for Fujinon and Edmund Optics c mount lenses.

Link to the video tutorial that creates the hard drive monitor windows task bar program:

Link to the windows DiskInUse.exe program (the tray icon program).  [You need to download all 5 files]:

Link to the Arduino NeoPixel program for the beetle:

Make sure you load the adafruit neopixel library in the arduino IDE.

This is the full project file that includes my edits of Barnecules' code:

The following screen captures are just here to help me remember the location of the data.  You don't need to access this, but it is amazing how much can be accessed from the OS.
click Connect when it opens.

when connected click enum Classes
select Recursive then OK

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Google Vision API and Labview

Two years ago I used Google Vision API with Labview.  I've forgotten some of the details, so I'm making this post to record what I remember.

First, the Vision API and documentation, and examples are found here
[There are not Labview examples]

This is a good starting point

The Vision API is a cloud service, so you need to create an account.

In Google Cloud Platform you must enable Vision API.

The Vision API will bill you if you go over 1000 images, so you need a payment method. [But there is a free trial that will last for a few months.]

The Vision API uses a key to validate your HTTP request.

The HTTP request will point to an image URL, so your images need to be accessible from the web.  Google has cloud storage 'buckets' that your images can be uploaded to.  The HTTP request will point to the image URL in the bucket.

Labview has an HTTP client pallet:

Open a Handle.
Add a header Content-Type  Application/json
Add a second header  Accept-Encoding    Application/json

Build the body of the request and POST to the Vision URL. 
The body of the response will need to be converted from json.
Finally, close the HTTP request.

To parse the json string you need to create a type def that matches the format of the json data.

The type def is made from an array of type "response"
Type "responce" is 2 1D arrays of type "labelAnnotation" and "logoAnnotation"
Type "labelAnnotation" is a cluster of Type string with the label "mid", Type string labeled "description", and Type single labeled "score"
Type "logoAnnotation" is a cluster of Type string with the label "mid", Type string labled "Description" and Type single labeled "score"

I recall that the organization of the TypeDef must match the JSON order, or there will be an error when "Unflatten from JSON" is used.

What you do with the data after that is up to you...  I just overlaid the text onto the image.

Here is a screen shot for the whole VI

Youtube results

Monday, July 8, 2019

Texturing the Intel Real Sense point cloud in Labview with the color camera

Intel has supplied a great LabView wrapper for the RealSense SDK 2.0 (LibRealSense DLL).
LabView Wrapper     (

However, as of 20190708  [July 8 2019] the wrapper uses SDK 2.11.0, which does not support the T265 tracking camera.  Also, the color camera of the D435 doesn't use the wrapped SDK.

This post will outline the process of using the D435 color camera to texture the point cloud.

Point cloud displayed with color texture

- To get images from the color camera in labview, you need to use National Instruments Vision Acquisition software.  In labview this is the NI-IMAQdx pallete.
- To manipulate the images you need the NI Vision Development Module.  It contains most of the sub VI's I use to turn the color image into a point cloud texture.

- Open the color camera and configure a Grab where you are initializing the Intel RealSense camera.
- Create an image type to be used later by the Grab vi.  I do this in a Functional Global Variable.
The Functional Global Variable holds all the images, and uses the serial number of the camera to create image names.

I use a sequence to acquire the image and depth data.  First I get the data from the RealSense SDK, then I get the color image from the NI-IMAQdx Grab vi.  Note that the Grab VI takes the image in memory, it doesn't wait for the next image.

All the wrapped DLL VIs that get depth and left grayscale imge data.

The ni-imaqdx grab is in the lower left.  It just needs to camera session from the initialization, and an image type [pointer].

The depth information is created based on the left grayscale camera.

! ! ! The Color camera and the Left grayscale camera do NOT have the same Field Of View (FOV).
!  !  !  ! And they are not the same size.
!   !   !   !   ! And the color camera, even though it has a higher resolution, has a smaller FOV

- 4 points are needed to define a Tetragon.  The points need to be where the greyscale image's corners would be in the color image,  You can calculate that from the scale difference betweeen the images, but I do it by calculating a homography matrix between cooresponding points in the two images, then multiplying the grayscale corner points by the homography matrix.

- Place 4 small object in the corners of the color image.
- Use an ROI tool to identify the corresponding points in the color and the left grayscale image.

- Solve the Homography matrix from the corresponding points

- Translate the grayscale corner points to the color image (even though we know they are outside of the color image.)

- Using the NI Tetragon Extract VI, pass in the translated grayscale corners and the dimensions of the grayscale mage, as well as the color image and a destination image.

- The output of the extract will be the color image scaled and shifted to line up with the grayscale and the depth image.
!! NOTE: The tetragon extract does not perform perspective correction.  The 4 points need to be on the same plane.  Please leave a comment if you have a better solution for labview.

- The .XYZ point cloud needs an RGB value from each pixel in the depth image.  In this step of the sequence the XYZ, RGB, and Normals are calculated.  More detail about the XYZ and RGB arrays will follow.

- The XYZ array converts each depth pixel to it's X,Y,Z location with Z being a measure of distance from the camera.  The X, and Y are scaled based on the Z  distance and the camera focal length.  The Intel realSense camera provides the intrinsic camera model where focal length is in pixels.

[Edit 20210220 - 
Zworld = the value of the depth pixel in millimeters 
Xworld =  ( (xdepth - ppx) * Zworld) / fx
Yworld = ( ( ydepth - ppy) * Zworld) / fy

xdepth is the x value of the pixel in the depth image where top left = 0 and bottom right = image width -1
ydepth is the y value of the pixel in the depth image where top left = 0 and bottom right = image height -1
ppx is the principal point in x.  this is often the center of the image.
ppy is the principal point in y, again often the center y of the image.
fx is the focal length of the lens but its units are in pixels, not in millimeters.  
fy is the focal length of the lens in pixels, and is pretty much the same as fx.
Note, that the value of the pixel in the depth image  is the distance in millimeters that object is from the camera.  

To find the camera intrinsic parameters run the 
that will is part of the RealSense SDK
C:\Program Files (x86)\Intel RealSense SDK 2.0\tools

For a 1280x720 depth image from the D435 you can these values (which are close, but wont match your camera perfectly)
fx 645.912
fy 645.912
ppx 640
ppy 360

For a 640 x 360 depth image you can use these intrinsics (again, not exact)
fx 322.956
fy 322.956
ppx 320
ppy 180

Notice that the scale of the 640x320 is 1/2 of the 1280 x720. 
  end Edit ]

- The texture image must be converted to a 1D array of RGB values to match the XYZ array.

- Although outside of the scope of this post, this is how I calculate the normals per point:
The 2D depth array is used in this loop.

- The 1D arrays are placed into a point cloud functional global variable.

- The Point Cloud FGV has a write .XYZ text file function.  Once written the text file can be read by other programs, such as CloudCompare (  and MeshLab.

 Here is a sample point cloud:
Miscellaneous stuff

If you open it in cloud compare, make sure to set the column to X, Y, Z, Normal X, Normal Y, Normal Z, Color.R(0-1), Color G(0-1), Color B(0-1), Ignore the last column.

Example viewed in cloud compare:

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Intel Realsense Tracking camera automatically transforms Depth camera data.

The Intel Realsense technology is an inexpensive human scale visual distance (depth) measurement system.  The recent tracking camera isn't just an addition to the line, it is multiplier.  The tracking camera knows where it is pointed, and where it is in space.  The translation and rotation data will transform the depth data automatically in the Realsense Viewer.   It does this in real-time, at about 30 fps.  Combined these devices could be used to create an area scanner.  The point clouds created from sampled frames will be close to correct orientation. 

Video of the two cameras working together:
Intel Realsense Tracking and Depth, T265 with a D435

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Monday, March 4, 2019

Microscan Microhawk Telnet Help command

If you log into the Microscan MicroHawk via Telnet [Login: target  password:password]
Enter the Help command at the -> prompt.
A list of commands will be displayed.
-> help

Additional Help commands such as netHelp will display even more commands.
-> netHelp

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Computational lensing or moire lensing as a counteraction to global warming

The technologies are not proven, yet.  However, either computational lensing, or moire lensing could reduce the amount of infrared light that enters the Earth's atmosphere.  A fleet of micro satellites are needed at the Lagrange point L1 between earth and the sun.  They would need to be positioned accurately.  The diffraction around the pattern of satellites would act as a lens to de-focus the IR light.
Possibly placing a filament between satellites could increase the diffraction area, while keeping the weight and complication at a minimum.

Lagrange L1

Moire Lens

I'll fill this in with details later, just wanted to get the idea out of my head right now.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Rotate a set of 2D circle points around a 3D point so that the +x axis quadrant point crosses through the 3D start point.

Required steps to rotate a set of points around a 3D center and aligned so the x axis quadrant point is the first point in the set.
This was written for a set of points forming a circle.

Input: Center point, X axis alignment point (used to calculate radius, orientation and starting point), number of circular points.

1) Create a translation matrix from the center point.  (4x4 identity with the right most column set to center x, y, z, 1)

2) Calculate the delta between X axis alignment point and center; delta = X_axisAlignmentPoint - centerPoint

3) Use delta to calculate the radius of the circle. radius = sqrt( delta.x*delta.x + delta.y*delta.y + delta.z* delta.z)

4) The x axis quadrant of the circle is a point at radius,0,0.  circleXQuad = (radius,0,0)  [note: The x value = radius]

5) Create an array of points on a circle, centered at 0,0,0 with a radius from step 3, on the x,y plane.

6) Add the first point of the array to the end of the array to close the circle

7) Find the rotation needed around Z axis in order to put "delta" on the XZ plane [ eliminate the Y value (y = 0)].  Get the angle using arcTan2 of delta.  rotation around Z =  tan^-1(delta.y / delta.x)  [note: arcTan2 should maintain the sign of the angle]

8) Create a Z axis rotation matrix from the angle found in step 7.  Lets call it Rz.

9) Translate delta using the Z axis rotation matrix, Rz.  This will create a new point, delta' [delta prime], where the point is radius distance from 0,0,0, but y is zero (delta'.y = 0).
delta' = [Rz][delta]

10) Find the rotation needed around the Y axis to put delta' on the X axis.  This will make delta'.z = 0.  The angle may need to be negative.  Rotation around Y = tan^-1(delta'.z/ delta'.x)

11) Build a rotation matrix for Y rotation.

12) The rotation matrices will put the X axis alignment point at the circle's x axis quadrant.  The inverse of this is needed to put the circle's x axis quadrant point at the the input X axis alignment point.  Create the inverse rotation matrices, Ry^-1 and Rz^-1.  The Circle points will be transformed 1st by the inverse Y rotation (Ry^-1), and then by the inverse Z rotation (Rz^-1). 
Edit 20190905: Multiply the Rz and Ry matricies, then get the inverse of the result.
  (If you get the inverse Rz and Ry first (as I suggested before 20190905), then you need to reverse the order they are multiplied  it would be [Ry^-1][Rz^-1]. )
The circle will be rotated to the correct orientation, matching the orientation of the original delta point, but centered at 0,0,0.

13) Move the circle to the input center point using the translation matrix from step 1.  Multiply all of the oriented circle points by the translation matrix.  The circle will be centered on the input center point.