Thursday, September 17, 2020

Criticism of Marxist literary criticism

 Marxist literary criticism is a way of reading a text in which the reader is to identify the power structures, the oppressed, and the symbols of oppression.  In other words, what is the class struggle occurring in the text.  It is intended to show how capitalism is a social structure that oppresses people.  Through Marxist literary criticism the reader should identify that it is the ruling class that has caused the conflict in which the working class protagonist must struggle.  But what is the end result, logical conclusion, the reader is to arrive at when following Marxist literary criticisms?  

  Marx's answer: You are oppressed and it is someone else's fault.  "They" programmed your brain to oppress you.    

  Marx’s Capital states that "the mode of production of material life determines altogether the social, political, and intellectual life process. It is not the consciousness of men that determines their being, but on the contrary their social being, that determines their consciousness." Put simply, the social situation of the author determines the types of characters that will develop, the political ideas displayed and the economical statements developed in the text. -

  And if only you had 'x' your oppression would end.  [Fill in the variable 'x' with stuff i.e. 'the means of production', 'iPhones, 'Nikes', 'Lancome Mascara'... ]  

There is no self improvement in Marxist literary criticism.  Problems would be solved by just taking the thing you are missing and/or disrupting the social/economic system.  

In short, Marxist criticism is a justification of theft.  

Sometimes we are OK with that justification, like increasing the taxes on Jeff Bezos.  But eventually everyone is in front of the barrel of Marx's critical canon.

Firefighter's Dream sports bar destroyed 

Chicago looting

The consequence, improving yourself makes you a target for someone else to blame.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

How to turn off hard drive write caching on windows 10 industrial PC's

  Some of our industrial PC's now use Windows 10 Enterprise LTSB or LTSC.  Since the change to windows 10 there has been an increase in file corruptions.  A user.config file gets written at the close of a vision inspection program.  If the PC is shut down with the program running, the operating system will close the program.  Hard drive write caching is active by default.  The operating system thinks that the user.config file has been written to the hard drive, but in reality, the file's data has only been moved to the memory.  It may be clear of the PC's RAM, but it has not been written to the physical platter.  Regardless the operating system turns off the computer's power.  When the PC is turned on again, the partial user.config is read.  Since it is incomplete the program does not reload all of the user settings.  Sometimes the corruption is so bad that the program crashes.

  Write caching is turned off from device manager.  

Open device manager, either by typing Device Manager in the search box:

OR open from "ThisPC" properties in file explorer:

In Device Manager, expand Disk drives.  Right click on the drive. Click Properties in the pop up menu.

In the Policy tab you can uncheck Enable Write Caching:

There is not a significant drop in system benchmak score.  However in practical usage of the PC when ever you switch active programs it takes a noticeable amount of time for the new program window to display.

Benchmark with  write caching on:

Benchmark with write caching off:

The next economic crisis is commercial real estate

 This video talks about why New York city real estate is going unrented for years, and why the rent is never lowered.  The building mortgage is placed into a mortgage back security.  The security is sold to multiple investors.  They now have control of how much rent costs.  Unrented space doesn't lower the value of the building because rent can be added at the end of the mortgage.  If the rent is lowered the mortgage is in default because the building value is lower.  That would require the owner of the building to write a huge check to make up the difference.  Since they can add rent to the end of the mortgage that's what they do, instead of taking the out of pocket loss.  The result is, there could be one space in the building that has rent so high that no one could ever pay it.  It keeps the value of the building high enough to stay out of default.

BUT now with covid-19, offices are empty.  this is going to crush the commercial real estate market.  The commercial mortgage backed securities are going to get hit bad.